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Draw the One-Way Sensitivity Analysis (OWSA) - Tornado plot


  df_owsa = NeuroblastomaPSM::run_owsa(),
  model_func = NeuroblastomaPSM::run_psm,
  model_func_args = list(models_fit = NeuroblastomaPSM::parametric_models, l_params =
    c(time_horizon = 10, cycle_length = 1/12, disc_rate_costs = 0.035, disc_rate_qalys =
    0.015, NeuroblastomaPSM::l_psm_parameters)),
  v_dsa_params = names(NeuroblastomaPSM::l_dsa_parameters),
  l_dsa_params = NeuroblastomaPSM::l_dsa_parameters,
  discounted_output = FALSE,
  cea_metric = "NMB",
  wtp = 30000,
  parameters_labels = NULL,
  show_labels_in_caption = FALSE,
  plot_title = "One-Way Sensitivity Analysis - Tornado plot",
  plot_subtitle = NULL,
  x_axis_label = "Incremental Net Benefit (iNMB)",
  currency_symbol = "$",
  show_basecase_value_label = TRUE,
  drop_insensitive = TRUE,
  plot_bars_width = 0.95,
  plot_colors = c(Lower = "orange", Upper = "skyblue")



Dataframe containing the names of the parameters included in the One-Way Sensitivity Analysis (OWSA) in addition to the costs, effects, Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) and Net Benefit (NB) values resulting from evaluating the decision-analytic model using the corresponding upper and lower values of the included parameters.


A function to be used for the model, such as the run_psm


A list of model arguments and parameters that are not varied in DSA


A character vector of DSA parameter names.


A list containing all model DSA parameters. The list is expected to be either l_dsa_parameters or of identical structure.


A logical for whether to use discounted values. Default is `FALSE`.


A character scalar specifying the cost-effectiveness metric to be used in the x-axis of the tornado plot. Supported options are `"NMB"` (default), `"Differential Costs"`, `"Differential QALYs"` or `"ICER"`.


Numeric scalar defining the cost-effectiveness threshold, willingness-to-pay (WTP) value for the net monetary benefit calculation. Default is `30000.`


Named character vector showing the labels of each of the parameters listed in the `parameter_name_column` column in the `df_owsa` dataframe. Default is `NULL`.


Logical for whether to add a caption to the plot showing the labels passed to `parameters_labels`. This argument is ignored if `NULL` was passed to `parameters_labels`. Default is `FALSE`.


Character scalar representing the title of the plot. Default is `"One-Way Sensitivity Analysis - Tornado plot"`.


Character scalar representing the subtitle of the plot. Default is `NULL`.


Character scalar to label the x-axis of the plot. Default is `"Incremental Net Benefit (iNMB)"`.


Character scalar representing the Hex code of the currency symbol to be used as the y-axis-ticks' label. Default is `"$"`.


Logical for whether to label the vertical line representing the base-case ICER. Default is `TRUE`.


Logical scalar specifying whether to remove form the tornado plot parameters that have no effect on the CEA metric.


Numeric scalar representing the width of the horizontal colored bars. Default is `0.95` and the accepted values are between `0.1` and `0.99`


String vector of two color names or hex codes. The first and second colors are assigned to the cost-effectiveness metric corresponding to the lower and upper bound values of the assessed parameters, respectively. Passing a named vector with the names `Upper` and `Lower` allows for better control.


A ggplot object depicting the sensitivity of the deterministic cost- effectiveness results to changes in the values of the included parameters.


if (FALSE) {
owsa_NMB_plot <- NeuroblastomaPSM::plot_owsa(
   df_owsa = NeuroblastomaPSM::run_owsa(),
   model_func = NeuroblastomaPSM::run_psm,
   model_func_args = list(
       "models_fit" = NeuroblastomaPSM::parametric_models,
       "l_params" = c(
           time_horizon = 10,
           cycle_length = 1/12,
           disc_rate_costs = 0.035,
           disc_rate_qalys = 0.015,
   v_dsa_params = names(NeuroblastomaPSM::l_dsa_parameters),
   l_dsa_params = NeuroblastomaPSM::l_dsa_parameters,
   discounted_output = FALSE,
   cea_metric = "NMB",
   wtp = 30000,
   parameters_labels = NULL,
   show_labels_in_caption = FALSE,
   plot_title = "One-Way Sensitivity Analysis - Tornado plot",
   plot_subtitle = NULL,
   x_axis_label = "Incremental Net Benefit",
   currency_symbol = "$",
   show_basecase_value_label = TRUE,
   plot_bars_width = 0.95,
   plot_colors = c("Lower" = "orange", "Upper" = "skyblue")


owsa_DQALYs_plot <- NeuroblastomaPSM::plot_owsa(
   df_owsa = NeuroblastomaPSM::run_owsa(),
   model_func = NeuroblastomaPSM::run_psm,
   model_func_args = list(
       "models_fit" = NeuroblastomaPSM::parametric_models,
       "l_params" = c(
           time_horizon = 10,
           cycle_length = 1/12,
           disc_rate_costs = 0.035,
           disc_rate_qalys = 0.015,
   v_dsa_params = names(NeuroblastomaPSM::l_dsa_parameters),
   l_dsa_params = NeuroblastomaPSM::l_dsa_parameters,
   discounted_output = FALSE,
   cea_metric = "Differential QALYs",
   wtp = 30000,
   parameters_labels = NULL,
   show_labels_in_caption = FALSE,
   plot_title = "One-Way Sensitivity Analysis - Tornado plot",
   plot_subtitle = NULL,
   x_axis_label = "Differential QALYs",
   currency_symbol = "$",
   show_basecase_value_label = TRUE,
   plot_bars_width = 0.95,
   plot_colors = c("Lower" = "orange", "Upper" = "skyblue")


owsa_Dcosts_plot <- NeuroblastomaPSM::plot_owsa(
   df_owsa = NeuroblastomaPSM::run_owsa(),
   model_func = NeuroblastomaPSM::run_psm,
   model_func_args = list(
       "models_fit" = NeuroblastomaPSM::parametric_models,
       "l_params" = c(
           time_horizon = 10,
           cycle_length = 1/12,
           disc_rate_costs = 0.035,
           disc_rate_qalys = 0.015,
   v_dsa_params = names(NeuroblastomaPSM::l_dsa_parameters),
   l_dsa_params = NeuroblastomaPSM::l_dsa_parameters,
   discounted_output = FALSE,
   cea_metric = "Differential Costs",
   wtp = 30000,
   parameters_labels = NULL,
   show_labels_in_caption = FALSE,
   plot_title = "One-Way Sensitivity Analysis - Tornado plot",
   plot_subtitle = NULL,
   x_axis_label = "Differential Costs",
   currency_symbol = "$",
   show_basecase_value_label = TRUE,
   plot_bars_width = 0.95,
   plot_colors = c("Lower" = "orange", "Upper" = "skyblue")


owsa_ICER_plot <- NeuroblastomaPSM::plot_owsa(
   df_owsa = NeuroblastomaPSM::run_owsa(),
   model_func = NeuroblastomaPSM::run_psm,
   model_func_args = list(
       "models_fit" = NeuroblastomaPSM::parametric_models,
       "l_params" = c(
           time_horizon = 10,
           cycle_length = 1/12,
           disc_rate_costs = 0.035,
           disc_rate_qalys = 0.015,
   v_dsa_params = names(NeuroblastomaPSM::l_dsa_parameters),
   l_dsa_params = NeuroblastomaPSM::l_dsa_parameters,
   discounted_output = FALSE,
   cea_metric = "ICER",
   wtp = 30000,
   parameters_labels = NULL,
   show_labels_in_caption = FALSE,
   plot_title = "One-Way Sensitivity Analysis - Tornado plot",
   plot_subtitle = NULL,
   x_axis_label = "Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER)",
   currency_symbol = "$",
   show_basecase_value_label = TRUE,
   plot_bars_width = 0.95,
   plot_colors = c("Lower" = "orange", "Upper" = "skyblue")
